Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I can't stand touchers. (yes I know that is not a word)

Recently I went on a few dates with this guy who was really nice and perfect on paper. In person however, was a different story. He was boring, but that's not why I've decided not to see him anymore. My big issue is with his love of touching and PDA (Public Displays of Affection)

If there is one thing I really cannot stand its PDA. I think that a private life should be just that, private. I don't even like holding hands in public, in fact I hate it when I'm not in public. Something about holding your sweaty, clammy, dirty hand just makes me nauseous. He was a big hand holder, and I would try and find a way to squirm away from his hand but he always found a way back.

The other thing he did a lot that really pissed me off is touching me. I do not like intimate touching, something about it just weirds me out. A lot of guys seem to like to touch, on a first date I think that touching someone with out them asking is a faux pas. I don't go caressing you so please respect my personal space and back the fuck off. Also don't touch my face and hair. Peoples hands are dirty and I don't like having dirty hands all over my face and hair because that grime transfers onto me. That is nasty.

All of this makes me sound like some cold prude, when in reality I'm just the opposite. I'm possibly the furthest thing from a prude. I love sex, but its a different kind of touching. I'm not cold I just don't like unsolicited touching. I do have some intimacy issues but I don't think I'm being that unreasonable here.

I value my personal space, a lot. and I don't appreciate when people feel the need to invade it without being invited.