Friday, February 12, 2010


Lately I have been in a funny kind of mood. I've been listening to a lot of songs that have a general theme of Love to them. Not sure if its cause my least favorite holiday is fast approaching and I'm once again dateless or because I'm slowly realizing how badly I want to be a couple.

I enjoy being in a relationships, weather it be with been someone of the same sex who is just a friend or a member of the opposite sex who is a significant other. I will admit that I am very much a co-dependent person, I need people around and I greatly dislike being alone. This is part of the reason why I still live at home, moving out means being alone and that's just not right for me.

With Valentines Day right around the corner I find myself wanting more and more to be a couple. I have lots of couple friends, many are even married or engaged and this just makes me want to be part of them even more. I desire that feeling of belonging and I hate that I'm very often a third wheel. Now don't get me wrong i'm not going to go and become one of those people who obsesses over finding a man. I did that once and it was a disaster. I'm much more content waiting for the right person to come along, and yes I do believe there is a right person for me. We just haven't found each other yet.

Also this blog is not me complaining about being single, I enjoy being single its fun to go out and not worry about anything. Its fun to actually try to look good just in case I meet a guy. But I enjoy being coupled much more then I do being single. Life is short so I will enjoy whatever I have at the moment I have it. Right now for me that means enjoying being single and having fun and spending as much time as possible with those I love.

And if you want to know who I love then you obviously don't know me...those that I love, I always tell them so.


  1. Aww Kristina there's definitely someone out there for you! You never know where love will find you... maybe on a weekend getaway to Brandon? haha, but honestly, you're an amazing girl and you deserve so much more than those other boys you've hung around with in the past.

  2. aww thanks hun!! you are so sweet. and who knows maybe I will find love in brandon....i'm not counting on it but you never know. I facebook stalked ashleys roomate..hes cute.
