Thursday, January 28, 2010

Colon Cleanse!

OK so just an update...I've decided to delay the Colon Cleanse. The month of February is kinda busy for me, with lots of social outings where drinking and bad food will be involved. I see no point in doing the cleanse to just screw it all over 4 weekends in a row.

So I will be doing my Colon Cleanse in MARCH. I will still inform you all of how it goes.

I have decided to do a colon cleanse. A close friend of mine who is very fitness minded suggested I try one to help jump start my weight-loss and to improve my over all wellbeing. So upon his suggestion I went and purchased a Herbal based one, why herbal? Well I’m very leery of how pumping my body full of chemicals is supposed to help clean in out, that and I try and follow an organic diet. I also choose free range for all my meats and eggs.

The product I chose is ReCleanse Herbal Cleanse. The girl in the store said its very mild and it wont give you the shits. She also said that it comes with a meal plan to help the process and at only $19.00 it seemed like something worth trying so I bought it.

Getting home I took out the little brochure and read all the information and checked out the meal plan. Not gonna lie at first I was VERY scared of trying this because the meal plan had me cutting out some of my favorite foods and eating foods with names I can’t pronounce. But I am determined to make this work, even if I'm not allowed any breads, cereals, or pastas for a whole week.

I’ve sat down today and made my self a simple plan to follow for the full 7 days. I planned out all 3 of my meals and my two snacks for the whole week, by doing this I’m making things a lot easier on myself. There are a lot of repeated things, which I am ok with, especially for breakfast and snacks. I also made my self a shopping list so that on Saturday I can go to the grocery store and get everything I will need for the week. I also plan on doing a lot of prep on Sunday for the week so that I don’t have to get up early in the morning to make things.

I will be posting a blog after my first 3-4 days and again at the end of it. I’m really hoping that this will work the way I want it to. Some things I’m hoping will change are; Weight-loss, less cravings, more energy, better concentration, and most of all overall wellbeing.

If your interested in learning more about the product I’ve chosen you can check out their website it also has lots of awesome recipes that are recommended post cleanse to prolong the effects of the cleanse.

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