Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rest In Peace...

Grief never ends but it changes
it is a passage not a place to stay
the sense of loss must give way
if were to value the life that was lived

That passage has got me through more tough times then I can even remember. I have no clue who wrote it, I have searched the internet far and wide and everything I find lists it as Author Unknown.
That however means nothing. I first heard this verse when I was 16 in mid October 2004, just a few days after my brother had passed away. My Uncle Keith had found it and we used it on the card that was handed out at Scott's Memorial.

Recently a close friend of mine lost her Father, a sadness I hope to never feel but I am realistic that one day it will happen. I wrote the passage out in a 'Sorry for your loss' card and added the note "This got me through Scott, Nonno, and Dillan. I can only hope it will help you with your Father." A few days later she called me and said that she remembered reading the verse on the card at Scott's memorial, she thanked me for reminding her that you can't stay sad forever.

That is the exact message I think it should convey. Losing people happens, death is one of the few guarantees of life, the two go hand in hand. I've lost a lot people in my life, more than any 22 year girl should have. The one thing I always remember is that the sadness of grief is not a forever thing, you have to move on and keep living. I'm not saying its instant, not by the least. It took me well over 3 years to fully come to terms with my brothers death. I dealt with it in a way I would never recommend. But when I was learning to deal with his death in a non drug riddled way, every single day I repeated that passage. Every single day for almost 2 years straight, and it worked.

I wouldn't be where I am today if I never heard that passage, I probably wouldn't even be alive to tell you the truth, but I am. So to any one who has lost a loved one or someone close to you, just repeat it, as often as you need. Remember that you can't stay grieving forever, you need to move on and value the memories you do have with that person.

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