Friday, January 29, 2010


OK, so today at work we were talking about our weaknesses during our very long lunch break. Most of the people I work with said that cigarettes are their weakness, which really didn't surprise me cause most of my co-workers are smokers. When it came to me I was honest, I said Booze and Boys. Everyone seemed rather shocked by this revelation, they all think I'm a saint. I'm OK with this because my life outside of work is none of their business.

But this really got me thinking about my weaknesses and whether or not I have other ones. The answer would be NO. I can resist most things and say no to most things, food has never been an issue for me nor have the normal vices like weed and cigarettes. But put me in a room with a 24 and a cutie and I wont say no.

I'm trying really hard to stop drinking but its proving a lot harder then I thought. Mostly because i like to drink, scratch that I LOVE to drink. Its not that I really need it, but I enjoy having a beer or a glass of wine with my dinner and I like going out with friends for drinks. I don't drink to excess though, I'm very cautious of that. I just enjoy booze far too much to ever really give it up completely.

My other weakness of boys is BAD one. I can't say no to a guy, especially if I find him attractive. I was boy crazy when I was a little girl and as an adult I'm still boy crazy, in fact I'm pretty sure its gotten worse over the years.

Now combine my two weaknesses together and we have a disaster waiting to happen.
Drunk me + Boy Crazy me = BAD BAD BAD BAD THINGS!

Normally though I don't worry about it much due in part to the fact that usually when I drink with guys, they're my friends and I may flirt but that's it. I would never take it to the next level. 3 weeks times I will be in Brandon for the weekend visiting a friend, and there will be bar's and drinking involved. I worry about myself in a somewhat unfamiliar place because I may make and ass of myself or worse. But alas I found a way to make sure I don't do anything stupid. I call her Chelsea Kumka. She's my best friend and she said she would look out for me and I made her promise "Not to let me do stupid things with ugly people." She will help me say no to the boys, and well its Brandon who says no to Booze in Brandon.

So there you have it...I have only two true weaknesses....and they both start with B's.
Boys and Booze = Love.
Boys and Booze and Brandon = I hope I don't do anything stupid.


  1. My weakness is dessert. If someone offers me dessert after a big meal and I am full, I will still eat the dessert! I can't say no to sweet decadent goodness! Cakes and cobblers! Puddings and Pies! I'll have one of each, even if it makes me want to throw up afterward.

  2. See I dont have a sweet tooth which is good. I do enjoy desserts occasionally but not all the time. I find they are often too sweet and then I feel gross after.
