I used to subscribe to a lot of online dating websites. I know I'm pathetic. Any ways, there is this one person who persistently messages me, its gotten to the point where I just delete the messages before reading them cause they all follow the same format.
English is clearly this guys second language, either that or he failed basic grade 2 grammar. He tells me how beautiful he thinks I am and how he thinks we would be a great couple because are we both like minded individuals. Actually he says "you is de mos butiful girl on earth, i love you" really, do you now? You know nothing about me then what I allow you to see on my profile, which is this case is a single picture and me saying that I like cars and yoga and that I'm a very judgemental person. Every message he keeps flattering me and asking why I wont reply to message. I did reply once to tell him I was not interested, he keeps messaging me still.
There are alot of guys out there who think that blatent flatery will get them into any girls pants, well sorry to say but that wont work for this girl. Your empty compliments based on one well angled drunk picture of me really don't mean much to me, and your not the first freash off the boat guy to call me beautiful and you wont be the last.
I appreciate compliments, but only when their deserved and when you actually mean them, I'm pretty sure you send the same thing to every girl. I dont understand why so man men think this works, if a guy reads this please enlighten me. To be honest when it gets too much it becomes creepy, when every other thing you say to me is "your sexy" (again with the grammar) it really does creep me out. Its boardering on obsessive.
Thats another thing I don't get about guys, don't call a random stranger you've never met sexy, cause shes probly gonna think your a nut job. Why do guys think being called sexy is a compliment, I don't find it complimenting, I find it somewhat degradding. I don't try to be sexy, in fact I go for not sexy at all. Don't lie and call me sexy when you see a drunk picture of me cause I know I don't look sexy, I look drunk cause I am.
So to all the single men out there who might try and court me, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT try and use blatent flatery to get into my pants cause it wont work. I'm far too smart to fall for it, and far too synical to believe you.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I am finished my cleanse, tomorrow morning when I eat breakfast I can go back to my Kashi cereal.
That being said I feel great, I lost a total of 6lbs and I'm feeling a million times better. I'm far less tired, I find I'm not craving carbs as much and I feel very energized. The benefits to this cleanse are numerous and everyone benefits differently, I would definitely recommend this to friends who are looking to feel a bit better.
I've decided that I'm going to adopt some of the eating habits from this cleanse, like eating whole natural foods and eating organic whenever possible. I will also be cutting down on my pre-packaged processed foods as that is what makes people gain weight and generally feel blah.
I would definitely do a cleanse again, its good to do one roughly once a year, your body builds up lots of toxins, especially if you don't eat proper and sometimes its good to flush it all out. You should NEVER do a cleanse closer then 6 months apart as it can actually be harmful if done too often. It will start to remove things your body actually needs and thats not good at all.
I'm happy with result and hoping that it has given me the boost I needed to keep losing weight to get healthy.
That being said I feel great, I lost a total of 6lbs and I'm feeling a million times better. I'm far less tired, I find I'm not craving carbs as much and I feel very energized. The benefits to this cleanse are numerous and everyone benefits differently, I would definitely recommend this to friends who are looking to feel a bit better.
I've decided that I'm going to adopt some of the eating habits from this cleanse, like eating whole natural foods and eating organic whenever possible. I will also be cutting down on my pre-packaged processed foods as that is what makes people gain weight and generally feel blah.
I would definitely do a cleanse again, its good to do one roughly once a year, your body builds up lots of toxins, especially if you don't eat proper and sometimes its good to flush it all out. You should NEVER do a cleanse closer then 6 months apart as it can actually be harmful if done too often. It will start to remove things your body actually needs and thats not good at all.
I'm happy with result and hoping that it has given me the boost I needed to keep losing weight to get healthy.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Day 4 and 5
Previous Weight: 198.5
Current Weight: 196
No more cravings!!!! I've stopped craving weird things and excessive amounts of carbs which is a really good thing. I also have way more energy and in general I'm starting to feel alot better.
I was a little bit skeptical of the cleanse at first but I think it was a good idea of me, its helping me to jump start my weight loss and to get me into better eating habits. I'm gonna keep trying to eat organically and also eat natural foods. I always tried to stay away from over processed foods but I think now that I know the benefits of not eating them I'm going to make sure I eat them as little as possible.
This doesn't mean I'm going to become a tree hugging hippie, I'm just eating better and being more active so I can live a better life.
I will post again Sunday morning when I'm totally finished the cleanse, my personal life is a bit haywire right now so I can't update every night.
Current Weight: 196
No more cravings!!!! I've stopped craving weird things and excessive amounts of carbs which is a really good thing. I also have way more energy and in general I'm starting to feel alot better.
I was a little bit skeptical of the cleanse at first but I think it was a good idea of me, its helping me to jump start my weight loss and to get me into better eating habits. I'm gonna keep trying to eat organically and also eat natural foods. I always tried to stay away from over processed foods but I think now that I know the benefits of not eating them I'm going to make sure I eat them as little as possible.
This doesn't mean I'm going to become a tree hugging hippie, I'm just eating better and being more active so I can live a better life.
I will post again Sunday morning when I'm totally finished the cleanse, my personal life is a bit haywire right now so I can't update every night.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Cleanse - Day 3
Previous Weight: 200
Current Weight: 198.5
I'm loving how much weight I'm losing on this cleanse and also how much more energy I have. I'm sleeping the same but I'm far less tired then I ever was.
I still hate oatmeal...I actually cheat I'm adding just a small bit of brown sugar so that I can eat it without gagging. I'm supposed to avoid sugars but I just cant do it that stuff is nasty.
I've been craving carbs a lot tho still, and I find that at the end of the day I'm still pretty hungry, but its only for 4 more days. And according to instructions once I'm done this thing my body will crave starches far less then it did before same with sweet things, though I've never really craved sweets.
This blog is staying short, I'm a little exhausted cause of some personal things going on and right now all I wanna do is sleep.
Current Weight: 198.5
I'm loving how much weight I'm losing on this cleanse and also how much more energy I have. I'm sleeping the same but I'm far less tired then I ever was.
I still hate oatmeal...I actually cheat I'm adding just a small bit of brown sugar so that I can eat it without gagging. I'm supposed to avoid sugars but I just cant do it that stuff is nasty.
I've been craving carbs a lot tho still, and I find that at the end of the day I'm still pretty hungry, but its only for 4 more days. And according to instructions once I'm done this thing my body will crave starches far less then it did before same with sweet things, though I've never really craved sweets.
This blog is staying short, I'm a little exhausted cause of some personal things going on and right now all I wanna do is sleep.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Colon Cleanse - Day 2
Previous Weight: 202.5
Current Wight: 200
It worked!!!! I lost two lbs, which is pretty decent, I'm hoping to lost at least 8-10.
Well with day 2 almost finished I must say I'm doing pretty good, I've managed to follow the strict diet and not puke at the sight of oatmeal. However I am experiencing MAJOR cravings, which is kinda weight for me. I've never been the type of person who craves foods but now that I don't have the freedom to eat them I crave them. Mostly pasta and sour dough bread (sanfran style). The first thing I'm going to do on Sunday morning when I'm done this cleanse is eat some whole wheat toast with butter on it. I think that will help curve my carb craving until I can get my paws on a load of sanfran sour dough.
Other then my food cravings I'm generally feeling pretty good. Though I am peeing non-stop, like at least 15 or more times in a work day (8 hrs) so that's kind of annoying me.
I haven't yet reached the actual cleansing of my colon....or at least I don't think I have, tho I'm sure my liver and kidneys are being thoroughly cleaned with all the water I'm consuming.
I will continue to keep you posted on my progress.
Also in case you are wondering what kind of exercise I'm doing with this cleanse its nothing special really. Just walking the dog every night (takes about 20 mins) and most nights if I'm not too tired I do a simple 14 min yoga routine when I get home from work, and thats more for general well being then it is for actual exercise.
Current Wight: 200
It worked!!!! I lost two lbs, which is pretty decent, I'm hoping to lost at least 8-10.
Well with day 2 almost finished I must say I'm doing pretty good, I've managed to follow the strict diet and not puke at the sight of oatmeal. However I am experiencing MAJOR cravings, which is kinda weight for me. I've never been the type of person who craves foods but now that I don't have the freedom to eat them I crave them. Mostly pasta and sour dough bread (sanfran style). The first thing I'm going to do on Sunday morning when I'm done this cleanse is eat some whole wheat toast with butter on it. I think that will help curve my carb craving until I can get my paws on a load of sanfran sour dough.
Other then my food cravings I'm generally feeling pretty good. Though I am peeing non-stop, like at least 15 or more times in a work day (8 hrs) so that's kind of annoying me.
I haven't yet reached the actual cleansing of my colon....or at least I don't think I have, tho I'm sure my liver and kidneys are being thoroughly cleaned with all the water I'm consuming.
I will continue to keep you posted on my progress.
Also in case you are wondering what kind of exercise I'm doing with this cleanse its nothing special really. Just walking the dog every night (takes about 20 mins) and most nights if I'm not too tired I do a simple 14 min yoga routine when I get home from work, and thats more for general well being then it is for actual exercise.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Colon Cleanse - Day 1
So I'm finally doing it. I'm starting my colon and multi-system cleanse I will blog daily about it, at the end of each day. I will include things I've eaten, what weight I've lost if any, and how I'm feeling.
Start weight: 202.5
So this morning I got up knowing I would have to start this diet and I was dreading it all along, mostly just breakfast. I have to eat plain oat meal every morning for 7 days. Someone shoot me. I HATE plain oat meal, its super gross and tasteless and reminds me of baby food. I can't even add milk to it cause I'm not allowed any dairy and only 1 cup of soy milk a day. So in a effort to make it not taste like shit in a bowl I've added cinnamon and instead of eating a piece of fruit for this meal I put raisins in my oat meal. In case your wondering it still tastes like ass on a stick. I will also have some almonds every morning with breakfast to give my body the fat it needs first thing to get things moving, I am only allowed 12 almonds.
The other big part of this diet is drinking water. Normally, I drink a lot of water, a lot more then most people do, but not this much. I feel like I'm going to drown my self with the amount of water they want me to consume. I will do it though, I am determined to have this help me in my weight loss goals. Otherwise I wasted 20 bucks.
Today I'm also going grocery shopping to get some fruits and veggies in the house that I enjoy eating. I also have to go a buy some whole grains to eat cause I'm not eating oat meal and rice for the next 7 days, that would be gross and boring.
I will probly post again later tonight if there have been any changes or anything interesting i think you should know.
Start weight: 202.5
So this morning I got up knowing I would have to start this diet and I was dreading it all along, mostly just breakfast. I have to eat plain oat meal every morning for 7 days. Someone shoot me. I HATE plain oat meal, its super gross and tasteless and reminds me of baby food. I can't even add milk to it cause I'm not allowed any dairy and only 1 cup of soy milk a day. So in a effort to make it not taste like shit in a bowl I've added cinnamon and instead of eating a piece of fruit for this meal I put raisins in my oat meal. In case your wondering it still tastes like ass on a stick. I will also have some almonds every morning with breakfast to give my body the fat it needs first thing to get things moving, I am only allowed 12 almonds.
The other big part of this diet is drinking water. Normally, I drink a lot of water, a lot more then most people do, but not this much. I feel like I'm going to drown my self with the amount of water they want me to consume. I will do it though, I am determined to have this help me in my weight loss goals. Otherwise I wasted 20 bucks.
Today I'm also going grocery shopping to get some fruits and veggies in the house that I enjoy eating. I also have to go a buy some whole grains to eat cause I'm not eating oat meal and rice for the next 7 days, that would be gross and boring.
I will probly post again later tonight if there have been any changes or anything interesting i think you should know.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Coming Soon
Coming Soon.....
A blog about the American's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy and why I actually think its not a half bad thing. (doing lots of research do I don't look like a fool)
I'm finally getting off my ass and doing this cleanse I have been dreading.
Be excited people...and by people I mean Chelsea cause I'm pretty sure shes the only person who reads my blog.
A blog about the American's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy and why I actually think its not a half bad thing. (doing lots of research do I don't look like a fool)
I'm finally getting off my ass and doing this cleanse I have been dreading.
Be excited people...and by people I mean Chelsea cause I'm pretty sure shes the only person who reads my blog.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I love Crosby
Sydney Crosby Won Gold For Canada. For this, I love him among other reasons of course, like the fact that hes super duper cute. I also like Towes cause he scored the first goal....but I love Crosby more.
But this is all I have to say right now.
Side note...I am sad Olympic Hockey is over...but I am happy that NHL is back in action....I love Hockey. Go Pens!!! Go Crosby!!!
But this is all I have to say right now.
Side note...I am sad Olympic Hockey is over...but I am happy that NHL is back in action....I love Hockey. Go Pens!!! Go Crosby!!!
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