Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blatent Flatery Will Get You NOWHERE!!

I used to subscribe to a lot of online dating websites. I know I'm pathetic. Any ways, there is this one person who persistently messages me, its gotten to the point where I just delete the messages before reading them cause they all follow the same format.

English is clearly this guys second language, either that or he failed basic grade 2 grammar. He tells me how beautiful he thinks I am and how he thinks we would be a great couple because are we both like minded individuals. Actually he says "you is de mos butiful girl on earth, i love you" really, do you now? You know nothing about me then what I allow you to see on my profile, which is this case is a single picture and me saying that I like cars and yoga and that I'm a very judgemental person. Every message he keeps flattering me and asking why I wont reply to message. I did reply once to tell him I was not interested, he keeps messaging me still.

There are alot of guys out there who think that blatent flatery will get them into any girls pants, well sorry to say but that wont work for this girl. Your empty compliments based on one well angled drunk picture of me really don't mean much to me, and your not the first freash off the boat guy to call me beautiful and you wont be the last.

I appreciate compliments, but only when their deserved and when you actually mean them, I'm pretty sure you send the same thing to every girl. I dont understand why so man men think this works, if a guy reads this please enlighten me. To be honest when it gets too much it becomes creepy, when every other thing you say to me is "your sexy" (again with the grammar) it really does creep me out. Its boardering on obsessive.

Thats another thing I don't get about guys, don't call a random stranger you've never met sexy, cause shes probly gonna think your a nut job. Why do guys think being called sexy is a compliment, I don't find it complimenting, I find it somewhat degradding. I don't try to be sexy, in fact I go for not sexy at all. Don't lie and call me sexy when you see a drunk picture of me cause I know I don't look sexy, I look drunk cause I am.

So to all the single men out there who might try and court me, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT try and use blatent flatery to get into my pants cause it wont work. I'm far too smart to fall for it, and far too synical to believe you.


  1. I really hate to do this to you lol but ironically your spelling and grammar in this particular blog post is atrocious lmfao!

    That being said, I totally agree!!! When I haven't showered in two days and I'm wearing pajamas and feel like a bloated piece of crap and Dave tells me I'm "sexy" I tell him to fuck off because obviously I'm not sexy at that exact moment and it just makes me want to punch him in the face.

  2. I know its horrible, at least I'm not using words like 'dis' and 'de' instead of 'this' and 'the'. That is just pure lazy uneducated fool right there. (yes, I'm aware I sound very rude)

  3. and I agree! its annoying when anyone says things like that and you know you look like shit. I don't understand men.
