Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 4 and 5

Previous Weight: 198.5
Current Weight: 196

No more cravings!!!! I've stopped craving weird things and excessive amounts of carbs which is a really good thing. I also have way more energy and in general I'm starting to feel alot better.

I was a little bit skeptical of the cleanse at first but I think it was a good idea of me, its helping me to jump start my weight loss and to get me into better eating habits. I'm gonna keep trying to eat organically and also eat natural foods. I always tried to stay away from over processed foods but I think now that I know the benefits of not eating them I'm going to make sure I eat them as little as possible.

This doesn't mean I'm going to become a tree hugging hippie, I'm just eating better and being more active so I can live a better life.

I will post again Sunday morning when I'm totally finished the cleanse, my personal life is a bit haywire right now so I can't update every night.

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